*One more 'samskara' employed by Shankara in the GB for avidya lesha*
Here is yet another instance of Shankara employing the concept of 'samskara' (inherent tendencies) (also called 'avidyA lesha) to explain the continuance of the Jnani's body.
The earlier reported two places where Shankara admits the concept of avidyA lesha: https://www.advaita-vedanta.org/archives/advaita-l/2024-November/062698.html
BGB 13.23
यत्तु उक्तम् 'यथा वर्तमानजन्मारम्भकाणि कर्माणि न क्षीयन्ते फलदानाय प्रवृत्तान्येव सत्यपि ज्ञाने, तथा अनारब्धफलानामपि कर्मणां क्षयो न युक्तः' इति, तत् असत् । कथम् ? तेषां मुक्तेषुवत् प्रवृत्तफलत्वात् । यथा पूर्वं लक्ष्यवेधाय मुक्तः इषुः धनुषः लक्ष्यवेधोत्तरकालमपि आरब्धवेगक्षयात् पतनेनैव निवर्तते, एवं शरीरारम्भकं कर्म शरीरस्थितिप्रयोजने निवृत्तेऽपि, आ संस्कारवेगक्षयात् पूर्ववत् वर्तते एव । यथा स एव इषुः प्रवृत्तिनिमित्तानारब्धवेगस्तु अमुक्तो धनुषि प्रयुक्तोऽपि उपसंह्रियते, तथा अनारब्धफलानि कर्माणि स्वाश्रयस्थान्येव ज्ञानेन निर्बीजीक्रियन्ते इति, पतिते अस्मिन् विद्वच्छरीरे 'न स भूयोऽभिजायते' इति युक्तमेव उक्तमिति सिद्धम् ॥ २३ ॥
Translation by Swami Gambhirananda:
On the other hand, as for the statement, 'just as actions that have produced the present birth and are already active in producing their results do not get dissipated even after Illumination, similarly it is not reasonable that actions which have not commenced producing their results should get dissipated,'- that is wrong. Objection: Why? Reply: Since they have already begun producing results, like an arrow that has been shot: As an arrow, freed earlier from a bow for hitting a target, even after piercing through the target comes to a stop only after falling down as a result of the dissipation of its initial momentum, similarly, actions that produced the (present) body verily continue, even after fulfilling the purpose of maintaining the body, to exist as before until the dissipation of their inherent tendencies. But, as that very arrow, when it has not acquired the momentum, needed for action, when it has not been shot even though fixed on the bow, can be withdrawn, similarly, actions which have not begun yielding their results may be rendered unproductive by Knowledge, even while existing in their receptacle. [The internal organ bearing the reflection of Consciousness.] Hence, it is established that , it has been reasonable to state that on the fall of the present body of an enlightened person, 'He is not born again.'
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