Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Guha gita 3.28 to 3.31 in English

Courtesy: Sri.P.R.Kannan
 *अथ तृतीयोऽध्यायः* 
Chapter Three
Root of Ignorance

देवतारूपतः पश्यन् मुच्यते जन्मबन्धनात् ।
मोहेनापि सदा नैव कुर्यादप्रियभाषणम् ॥ ३.२८॥
By looking at anyone as Devata, one will be freed of the bondage of birth. Even by mistake, one should never indulge in disagreeable speech. (3.28)
देवतारूपतः पश्यन् मुच्यते जन्मबन्धनात् ।
मोहेनापि सदा नैव कुर्यादप्रियभाषणम् ॥ ३.२८॥
By looking at anyone as Devata, one will be freed of the bondage of birth. Even by mistake, one should never indulge in disagreeable speech. (3.28)

मयैव कथिता नित्या सर्वलोकोपकारिणी ।
कथिताऽभूते हिडिम्भ सर्वं ब्रह्ममयं जगत् ॥ ३.३१॥
Thus has been told the eternal knowledge, which is helpful to all the worlds, i.e. O Hidimbha, all the world is Brahman only, nothing else. (3.31)

ब्रह्माण्डेऽपि च पिण्डाण्डे सर्वत्र ब्रह्मभावतः ।
तत्त्वमेवास्यहं चासि देवदेव सुखी भव ॥ ३.३२॥
O Deva among Devas, be happy always with the perception of Brahman everywhere in Brahmanda (the outer universes, macrocosm) as well as Pindanda (the universe within the body, microcosm); 'Tat tvameva asi' – you are That (Brahman) only; I am also Brahman. (3.32)
Subrahmanya addresses Hidimbha as Devadeva, though Hidimbha had been  born an Asura in the lineage of Surapadma, had fought with Subrahmanya and died, and was resurrected by Subrahmanya's grace, which has now raised him through Guru Agastya's blessing to this state of Devadeva.

इति कलिसन्तारक श्रीगुहगीतायां ब्रह्मविद्यायां
अद्वैतशास्त्रे भिक्षुरूपिगुहहिडिम्भसंवादे
अज्ञानमूलं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः ॥ ३॥
Thus ends Chapter Three titled 'Agnana Moolam', Root of Ignorance, in Sri GUHAGITA, in the Liberator from Kali, in Brahmavidya, in Advaitashastra, in the dialogue between Guha in the form of Bhikshu and Hidimbha.
Slokas in Chapter Three: 32
Total Slokas so far: 150

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