Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Mahaan Sri P.S.Ananthanarayana Vajapeyayajee (Musiri Periyava)

श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

Mahaan Sri P.S.Ananthanarayana Vajapeyayajee (Musiri Periyava)

The life and legacy of a Mahaan, on the occasion of the completion of the
first year of His Brahma Sayujyam on Magha Pournami

*****A short write-up in English, on Brahmasri P.S. Ananthanarayana
Vajapeyayajee (Dikshitar) by Brahmasri Kannamani Dikshitar:

*****An eloquent moving tribute to the Mahaan by His exceptional Sishya
Brahmasri V. Rajagopala Ganapatigal, in His April 2019 Vaithikasri
editorial (Tamil):

A few details contained in the Tamil article on the Mahaan:

-Took to Unchavrutti, Pravachanam, Nitya Karmaanushtaanam, Gosamrakshanam,
Nityaagnihotram after quitting His Principal post at Tirupati, upon the
directives of Kanchi Jagadguru Srimad Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal
-Performed several Homams to ensure proper rainfall
-Performed Chaturmasya Yaga once every four months for several years
-The Kanchi Matam sent Him a White Parasol as is tradition upon His
completion of Vajapeya Yagam
-Sringeri Jagadguru Srimad Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswamigal has graced His abode
-Sri Rajagopala Ganapatigal has mentioned how His Guru perfomed His
Nithyanushtanams even during the train journey on their way to Narasaraopet
to have dharshan of the Poorvashrama father of Sringeri Jagadguru Srimad
Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswamigal
-"We shouldn't go to see Acharyal frequently; living as per His advice is
the best way of paying our respects to Him" - His advice to His Sishyas
-Was instrumental in arranging the marriages of several Vaideekas ; He went
voluntarily and spoke to the brides' families for the cause
-Presided over the Ahitagni Sadas at Kanchi Sri Shankara Matha
-Stressed on many occasions that learning of Vedas was not enough and that
Oupasanam, Agnihotram, Somayagam etc are to also be performed
-Sri Rajagopala Ganapatigal mentions an incident when His Guru did not
desist from airing his disagreement regarding a particular issue during
performance of a Agnishtoma Soma Yaga in Kumbakonam, but later presided
over the performance of the same - illustrating that it is Dharma to point
out Adharma without focus on the outcome, but had the magnanimity to aid
even those in disagreement
-Has been referred to as Mahaan and Maharishi by Kanchi Jagadguru Srimad
Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal on several occasions
-Focussed on Japa of Trayodasakshari (Sri Rama Jaya Rama...) for three
years prior to His shedding His mortal coil on Magha Poornima 2019

*****Photos and videos of the Maharishi / Mahaan and His Rishi Patni
Madhusree Anandavalli Ammal, may be accessed here:


*****A comprehensive, enlightening website created by the family of the
Mahaan (with list of Ahithagnis, and articles in English on Yaagam and
Yaagasala by Sri A. Sundaresa Vajapeyee, son of the Mahaan) :
The sons and sons-in-law of the Mahaan are all Nityagnihotrins and have
performed several Yagas

*****Sri Yagnyarama Somayaji, son of the Mahaan, maintains a Goshala and
helms a traditional Vedapatasala at Musiri, Tamil Nadu. He renders daily
Upanyasams on several topics such as Aacharam, Vratams, Sraddam, Dharma
Shastram, Sandhya Vandanam etc. that are shared through Telegram and
Whatsapp. He may be contacted on Whatsapp +919488976124 to be added to
these broadcast channels.

श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः


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