Friday, July 13, 2018

Lakshmi likes misers -Sanskrit subhashitam

*शूरं त्यजामि वैधव्यादुदारं  लज्जया पुनः |*
*सापत्न्यात्पण्डितमपि तस्मात्कृपणमाश्रये ||*
धन संपत्ति की अधिष्ठात्री देवी लक्ष्मी का कहना है कि मैं विधवा होने के डर से शूरवीर व्यक्तियों का वरण नहीं करती हूं, और उदार हृदय व्यक्तियों के साथ रहने मे मुझे लज्जा आती है (कि वे कहीं मुझे किसे अन्य व्यक्ति को न दे दें ) तथा एक विवाहित विद्वान के साथ भी रहना नहीं चाहती हूं | इसी लिये मैं एक कृपण (कंजूस) व्यक्ति के आश्रय में ही रहती हूं |
*Lakshmi, the Goddess of riches says that she does not like to stay with a warrior due to the fear of becoming  a widow, and with a liberal person to avoid the embarrassment of being passed on to others. She also does not like a scholar already having a wife, and therefore, likes to live with a miserly person.*
*(This Subhashita has been classified  under the category "The nature of Lakshmi,the Goddess of riches". The underlying idea behind this Subhashita is that brave, liberal and scholarly persons are seldom rich and only misers store their wealth.)*

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