Monday, March 16, 2015


Courtesy: Sri.Manish Modi

अहिंसा परमो धर्मस्तथाहिंसा परो दमः
अहिंसा परमं दानमहिंसा परमं तपः
अहिंसा परमो यज्ञस्तथाहिंसा परं बलम्
अहिंसा परमं मित्रमहिंसा परमं सुखम्
अहिंसा परमं सत्यमहिंसा परमं श्रुतम्
सर्वयज्ञेषु वा दानं सर्वतीर्थेषु चाप्लुतम्
सर्वदानफलं वापि नैतत् तुल्यम् अहिंसया
अहिंस्रस्य तपोऽक्षय्यम् अहिंस्रो यजते सदा
अहिंस्रः सर्वभूतानां यथा माता यथा पिता
एतत् फलम् अहिंसाया भूयश्च कुरुपुंगव
न हि शक्या गुणा वक्तुम् इह वर्षशतैरपि
~ महाभारतम् 
(अनुशासन पर्व, अध्याय ११७, श्लोक ३७ - ४१)

ahiṃsā paramo dharmastathāhiṃsā paro damaḥ
ahiṃsā paramaṃ dānamahiṃsā paramaṃ tapaḥ
ahiṃsā paramo yajñastathāhiṃsā paraṃ balam
ahiṃsā paramaṃ mitramahiṃsā paramaṃ sukham
ahiṃsā paramaṃ satyamahiṃsā paramaṃ śrutam
sarvayajñeṣu vā dānaṃ sarvatīrtheṣu cāplutam
sarvadānaphalaṃ vāpi naitat tulyam ahiṃsayā
ahiṃsrasya tapoऽkṣayyam ahiṃsro yajate sadā
ahiṃsraḥ sarvabhūtānāṃ yathā mātā yathā pitā
etat phalam ahiṃsāyā bhūyaśca kurupuṃgava
na hi śakyā guṇā vaktum iha varṣaśatairapi
~ Mahābhāratam 
(Book 13, Chapter 117, verses 37 - 41)

Nonviolence is the supreme religion. It is the supreme self-restraint.
Nonviolence is the supreme donation and the supreme penance.
Nonviolence is the supreme worship and the supreme strength.
Nonviolence is the supreme friend and the supreme bliss.
Nonviolence is the supreme truth and the supreme teaching.
Donation is higher than all worship and greater than any pilgrimage.
But even the fruits of all the donation in the world cannot bear comparison with nonviolence. 
He who practises nonviolence is the supreme votary. 
He who practises nonviolence is constantly engaged in worship. 
He who practises nonviolence is like the father and mother of all living beings. 
O bull amongst the Kauravas, these are the fruits of nonviolence. 
It is not possible, even in hundreds of years, to fully relate the virtues of nonviolence.

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