Thursday, February 12, 2015

Vaishnava Samhita: Vol. I, Book 1, Chapter 1, Sloka 16 - 20


ராதே கிருஷ்ணா,
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The numerous great sages who appeared in India propagated noble virtues such as Truth, Non-violence, Service to mankind, Humanity, Compassion and Patience. The lives and teachings of such noble saints inspire people to walk on the path of righteousness. Mahatma Sri Krishnapremi in his work titled Vaishnava Samhitai presents the life histories of those great sages in a lucid manner.
Vaishnava Samhita: Vol. I, Book 1, Chapter 1, Sloka 16 - 20 

Tatapi Sampratam Loke Kalih Papaparayanah
Adharme Abhiruchim Shakshvannaranam Pradadatihi. 

Not withstanding that, at this time Kali, inclined only towards vices, is ceaselessly goading the people to follow the path of unrighteousness.


Tasmadevahite Sarve Narah Kalinipiditah
Sarvadharmeshu Vimukhah Papavrittascharantihi 

As a result all men are overwhelmed by Kali, and hence they are indifferent towards all virtues and righteousness. They go about performing evil deeds and sinful actions.


Adhyapanancha Adyayanam Yajanam Yaajanam Tatha
Na Kurvanti Brahmanascha Kevalam Hyudarambhara

The brahmanas have given up their traditional duties of studying and teaching the Vedas and performing Yajnas (sacrifices) themselves and helping others in that. They are simply interested in earning their daily bread.


Vinashta Rajavanshascha Sarvadharma Abhirakshakah
Yobhavedbalavan Raja Saeva Svarthalolupah.

The royal dynasties that protected all the dharma have declined. Only those self-centred men who have muscle power become the rulers of the people.


Vaishya Vinashtadharmastu Durachara Samanvitah
Vanijyam Naiva Kurvanti Gosanrakshanamevacha

The vysyas (the merchant-class) have also given up the prescribed duties of engaging in trade and protecting the cows. They have also forsaken the dharma and code of conduct meant for them in society.

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