Monday, February 16, 2015

Shree Dakshinaamoorthi Stotram Composed by Vrishabhadeva

courtesy: Sri.Anantanarayanan Vaidyanathan
श्री दक्षिणामूर्ति स्तोत्रम्
Shree Dakshinaamoorthi Stotram
Composed by Vrishabhadeva
सकलजगत्स्थितिसंयमादि हेतुम्।
उपरतमनोयोगिहृन्मन्दिरं तं
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥१॥
Aganitagunam aprameyam aadhyam 
Sakalajagat sthiti samyamaadi hetum 
uparatmano yogi hrut mandiram tam
satatamaham Daskhinaamoorthim eede 1
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy 
Whose divine qualities are innumerable, 
Whose greatness is incapable of being measured, 
Who is the primordial one
Who is the cause of existence and destruction of the whole universe
Who is residing in the hearts of realized persons(yogis) who have absolute control over their minds
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥२॥
niravadhisukhamisTadaatarameed yam
natajanamanastaapa bhedeika daksham
bhavavipinadavaagni naamadheyam
satatamaham Dakshinaamoorthimeede 2
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy 
Who is capable of blessing (his devotees) with comforts beyond count, and to grant all that they wished
Who is incomparable in his capacity to shatter the mental agonies of devotees who worship Him
Who is having the name (or is synonymous with) the one who is the wildfire to the dense forest in the shape of woes of the mundane life
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥३॥
Tribhuvanagurum aagamaikapramaanam
Trijagatkaarana soothryogamaayam
Ravishatabhasvaram eehitapradaanam
Satatamaham Dakshinaamoothi eede 3
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy 
Who is the preceptor of the three worlds, who can be realized only through the aagamaas (the holy scriptures) and who is the subject matter described in all aagamaas
Who has in his control the Yogamaya through which the apparent material world is created
Who is having the effulgence of hundred suns, who bestows on the devotees whatever they desire or crave for
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥४॥
Padapaddvayabhaavinaam adooram
Bhavajaladhi suthaaranaangripotham
Satatamaham Dakshinaamoorthim eede 4
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy
Who drives away to great distance the incessant thought and worries of mundane thoughts of his devotees ( of he is completely detached from worldly things)
Who is very close (never distant) to those who are always contemplating on his pair of feet
Whose benevolent feet are like the boat which would enable his devotees to float over and cross the ocean of worldly woes
कृतनिलयमनिशं वटाकमूले
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥५॥
Kritanilyamanisham vataakamoole
Nigamashikhaavraata bhodhitaikaroopam
Dhrutamudraangulegamya chaarubhodham
Satatamaham dakshinaamorthimeede 5
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy
Who has made the shadow of a peepul tree as his abode
Whose exalted form is manifested to the multitude of people through the word that is at the crown of the Vedas..the pranavam or Omkara ( meaning his form is manifested through Omkaram)
Who is exhibiting the great mudra (chinmudra) through his fingers and imparting supreme knowledge to the world
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥६॥
Druhinasuthapoojithaanghripadm am
Padapadmaanathamokshadaana daksham
Krutagurukulavaasa yogi mitram
Satatamaham dakshinaaamoorthim eede 6
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy 
Whose respected pair of feet are worshipped by the Sons of Brahma (Sanatkumaras)
Who is capable of granting Moksha (ultimate salvation or relief) to all those who take refuge on his pair of lotus feet
Who is the friend of all the Yogis who are occupying the abode of the Preceptor seeking the ultimate knowledge
यतिवरहृदये सदा विभान्तं
रतिपति शतकोटि सुन्दराङ्गमाद्यम्।
परहितनिरतात्मनां सुसेव्यं
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥७॥ 
Yativarahrudaye sadaa vibhaantham
Ratipati shatakoti sundaraangam aadhyam
Parahitanirataatmanaam susevyam
Satatamaham Dakshinaamoothimeedey 7
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy 
Who is shining eternally in the hearts of the realized souls (yatis)
Who is the primordial being who is having the beauty of ten crores of Kamadevas put together
Who is eagerly worshipped by people who have the welfare of all others as their primary aim
श्रुतिसुलभं वृषभाधिरूढगात्रम्।
सततमहं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे॥८॥
Smitha dhavala vikaasitaananaabjam
Shrutisulabham vrushabhadhiroodagaatram
Sithajaalajasushobhadehakaanth im
Satatamaham dakshinaamoorthimeedey 8
I worship and offer my pranams always and without interruption to Sri Dakshinamoorthy 
Whose face which resembles a blooming lotus, is shining with a brilliant white smile
Who can be easily attained through Shrutis(Vedas), whose exalted self is mounted on a Vrushabha(bull)
Whose body is shining with a splendour resembling a white lotus of flawless hue
गुरुवरदेवसन्निधौ पठेद्यः।
व्रजति चिरं ज्ञानवान् शंभुलोकम्॥९॥
Vrushabhakrutamidam abheestasiddhidam
Guruvaradeva sannidhau padeth yaH
Sakaladurita dukha vargahaanim
Vrajathi chiram jnaanavaan shambulokam 9
This hymn, composed by Vrishabha is capable of granting the devotees all their desires
One who recites this in the exalted shrine of Guru (Dakshinamoorthy) attains relief from all miseries and unhappiness ( his miseries are annihilated), and having attained supreme knowledge, leaves this earth to attain the world of Shiva the Shambu for living there eternally.

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