Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Gyan Mudra & Prithvi Mudra

courtesy: Sri.S.Ramaswamy

Gyan Mudra To Enhance Brain Power

Gyan Mudra or Mudra of Knowledge is one of the mudras in Hinduism and often used in meditation and yoga practices for healing and generating positive energy. Also known as Gyana Mudra, the practicing of this mudra ensures concentration, mental peace, and sharpens memory. Lord Buddha, Mahavir, and Guru Nanak can usually been seen depicted in this yogic posture. Gyan Mudra relates to the planet Jupiter or Lord Brihaspati.

Health Benefits of Gyan Mudra 

1) Enhances memory power and sharpens the brain.
2) Concentration power is increased and sleeplessness or insomnia is prevented.
3) Psychological disorders such as hysteria, anger, depression and other mental problems are cured.

How to do Gyan Mudra Pose

Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, keeping the other three fingers stretched out. The centers of the pituitary and endocrine glands are connected to the tip of the thumb. When these points are pressed with the index finger, the two glands get enthused and work actively. You can do this mudra at any time you wish and there is no particular time to practice this mudra. However, for better results one should practice Gyan Mudra at least 15 to 30 minutes a day.

Picture of Gyan Mudra To Enhance Brain Power
Gyan Mudra Hand Posture

Prithvi Mudra and Benefits

Prithvi Mudra is one of the many types of Mudras or symbolic gesture practiced in Hinduism. Mudras are believed to be beneficial to get good health, as the glands and nerves get stimulated when practicing them. Prithvi Mudra, literally means "Mudra of Earth", increases the earth element in the body and decreases the fire element. In this type of Mudra, the tip of the ring finger is touched to the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out.

Benefits of Prithvi Mudra

1) Helps to overcome disorders caused by kapha deficiency
2) Skin complexion is increased. Good for people with dry skin.
3) Body gets healthier and more energetic
4) Reduces hair fall and overcome premature graying of hair
5) Helps to gain weight
6) Good for people suffering from stomach ulcers and fever
7) Helps to treats chronic fatigue and osteoporosis
8) Helps to reduce body pain and attain strong and healthy body
9) Increases the spiritual insight of the mind

The mudra should not be used by those suffering from cough and cold.

Time to Practice

This Mudra requires no particular time duration and can be practiced any time you desire. However it is better to practice Prithvi Mudra for 24 minutes minimum at a time or a maximum of 48 minutes.

Prithvi Mudra and Benefits

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Similar to spiritual benefits, there are a number of physical benefits for meditation as well. Meditation regularly ensures proper intake of oxygen increasing the blood flow leading to a deeper level of physical relaxation. Enhancing our immune system fighting against allergies, it cures arthritis, migraines and asthma. It relaxes our nervous system producing lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical fire activity. It cures headaches bringing out a greater orderliness of brain function which reduces emotional distress and aging process.

Physical Benefits of Meditation and Yoga

Some of the major physical advantages of meditation are
  • Higher tolerance to exercises
  • Relaxation of muscles
  • Optimum utilization of energy, thus enhances strength and vigour
  • Improves air flow to the lungs to breathe easier
  • Reduces blood pressure and heart related diseases
  • Normalize your ideal weight
Meditation is the road to enlightenment with increased emotional stability and improved relationships. It builds self-confidence, develops will power and increases one's perceptual ability with focus and concentration. It increases the sense of responsibility by helping in quitting smoking and alcohol addiction, and reduces dependency on drugs and pills. It improves one's listening skills, learning ability and memory. It develops emotional maturity, greater tolerance, better social behaviour with increased job satisfaction and usage of higher intelligence in every fields. It helps in higher creativity by better utilization of time and increases productivity.

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