Thursday, October 30, 2014

Eknath & Godavari

Courtesy: Sri.Sivan krishnan


Quite  often  we come across the name Pradhistanapur in our stories  not because  it is the only semi town, but it was a famous name in those days for two reasons.  Mostly  the residents were educated and scholarly brahmins  and the second most important reason was it was on the banks of River Godhavari.  We  Hindus worship rivers as goddesses and Godhavari is a very big and sacred river and visiting the river for holy dip was considered essential at least once in a life time by many religious minded people then and now  also.

Paithan is on the eastern bank of River Godhavari, and 56 km south of  Aurangabad.  It is the birth place of saint Eknath and his samadhi is still there.  Saint Gnaneshwar garden in Paithan is visited by many pilgrims.

Eknath was regularly conducting his discourses in Marathi language at the request of his son Hari Bhat.  Eknath's  devotional lectures drew many people from  Paithan and  its neighborhood and every day there was a huge  gathering at his asham.   He chose to explain his  thoughts  in simple language with pure devotion which was easy for the peope to undersand and enjoy his beautiful discourses on epics like Ramayana and Mahabaratha and  Baktha vijayam 

Among the various devotees  who  thronged at  the Ashram every day,  there was one old lady who attended the discourse regularly. She used to visit regularly and occupy a corner enjoying the discourses with tears of joy.  She did not  talk  to anyone or  visit  anyone.  She will just attend the lecture, remain there till the end, enjoy it with tears in her eyes, which were  closed  mostly  during the lectures  as  she  swallowed every word  uttered by the saint Eknath.  She looked quite  respectable, grey haired,  appearing  fresh as if she  always attended the lecture  after a bath immediately before arriving there with  wetness  in her  hair and clothes.    Every one who assembled knew her and folded their  hands in respect at her.  She was a very fair complexioned majestic and quiet elderly lady.

It was  rainy season and one evening It was a raining continuously,  but  there was discourse by Eknath at his ashram  with many attending undmindful of the bad weather.  The disourse that day commenced late because of the rain and so ended late at night while  it was raining.   Many people ran here and there for shelter.  The old lady never bothered about the rain and walked in the rain slowly. 

Hari Bhat told her  "Mother! Why don't  you  wait  here for a while and go after the rain stops".  She just smiled and continued to walk in the dark. Probably her smile meant "I have braved heavier rains than this".

Every evening,  she would come well before Eknath started the discourse.  She would stay till he finished the Arthi.  Then she would leave the place on her own.  Rain or shine, nothing stopped her from attending the discourses, or leaving  alone even at  late  night. 

Her countenance and commanding features attracted everyone and demanded respect from every one  young or old just like a steel pin attracted by the magnet.  

On another day, after the discourse, some people who returned home in the same direction where she was walking,  followed her out of curiosity but she did not look back or communicated with anyone.  She walked towards the banks of Godhavari river.  People were wondering why a lady would go to the river bank at so late  in the night.  Some people observed this for a  few days and conveyed it to Eknath. 

One day,  after the discourse ended, Eknath called Hari Bhat and said "You please go with the old  lady tonight  and take good care of her". When the lady left, Hari Bhat followed her.  As usual she went towards  the river bank and  walked down the steps  into the waters.  Assuming that the old lady was going to take a bath in the river, Hari Bhat felt that it was not proper for him to see a lady bathing.  So he returned.  Hari Bhat followed her for some more days but the same thing happened every day. He could not understand the reason for this.

One day Eknath asked "Hari! Are you accompanying that lady as her guard every day?"

"Yes.  Gurudeva!  I am following her everyday".

"Does she know that you are going as her escort ?"

"I think so"

"You seem to be pondering over something.  What is in your mind?"

"I see this old lady walking to river Godhavari and getting into the waters every night.  I guess she takes bath or  for  washing,  in the Godhavari river and then goes home.  She takes a long time remaining in the water and does not come out quickly.   So I follow her up to the river bank and return back".

"Don't you think you should wait for her to come out and accompany her?"

"I am concerned that she might be offended if she sees me waiting while she takes bath or  does  washing  etc.,    So I did not wait for her.  I think she lives somewhere close by the river".

Eknath stopped talking  but started thinking.

Next day  the old lady attended the discourse.  Eknath that  partcular  evening  was describing  elaborately the scene describing  how  Vittal granted  darshan to everyone on the banks of the Godhavari river.  The lady was in tears overwhelmed in emotion by the beautiful narration and expression.  Eknath was explaining about the significance of holiness of the Godhavari river.

After the discourse ended, every one left.  The lady went near Eknath and prostrated.  He quickly moved aside and said "Mother! You are a very sacred person.  I am an ordinary man.  It is not right on your part to prostrate in front of me".

She  did not  say  anything  but  left the place.  Hari Bhat followed her as usual.  The lady went into Godhavari river.  Usually Hari Bhat would leave immediately but that night, he decided to stay back for the old lady to show up.  He waited for a long time and did not  find her.   He was wondering  if she  left by any other way out.  When he entered the river and sighted, there was no trace of her and there was no other  way out.  He  feared the old lady had  probably drowed in the deep river. 

Hari Bhat returned home sad and informed Eknath that he could not see the lady get out of the water and expressed his fear that she was no more. 
Eknath uttered cryptically "Vittal! Mother Godhavari". 

Next day onwards  she did not attend the discourses.  Hari Bhat was in tears.  He thought that she might have drowned in the waters.  Eknath consolded Hari "How can Godhavari Matha vanish in the waters?  She herself is the river water".

From that day onwards, during Eknath's discourses, a special seat was allocated to that "old lady".  Everyone believed that Godhavari Matha invisibly attended the discourses and enjoyed them.

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