Monday, October 13, 2014

Divine discourses of HH.Puttarparthi Saibaba

Courtesy: PK.Seshadri

What is the basis of all creation? Why and when do sages and Avatars descend on earth?

God alone possesses the strength to create anything and everything, both permanent and impermanent. God is all knowing and omnipresent. He created this world with His Divine Will (Sankalpa). God is the basis of all creation. Gold is the basis of jewellery; if there is no gold, then there is no jewel. Clay is the basis of the pot; if there is no clay, then there is no creation. Similarly if there is no God, then there is no creation. God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omnipresent. Everything around us is Divine. People, in their ignorance, forget this Divine Principle (Atma). In order to jostle human beings from their deep slumber of ignorance and greed, great sages and Divine Incarnations descend on earth. Whenever ego and pride becomes second nature of human beings and ignorance reigns supreme, moreover when demonic nature of human beings are at pea k, Divin e Incarnations (Avatars) descend on earth to restore righteousness to its pristine glory.

- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1980

Why must we persist in transforming ourselves, beyond pain and pleasure?

Grief and joy, and pain and pleasure alternate like the dark and bright fortnight by God's decree, to foster equanimity and to lead man towards reality beyond both. If you do not attempt to transform yourself but resort to blaming God for your sorrows, it is incorrect! You blame God because you announce yourself as a devotee too soon, and expect plentiful grace. Grace cannot be claimed as such; first God must accept you! Use your talent of discrimination to sift the trash and discard it in preference to the valuable. Engage in selfless service; flee from bad persons and win the friendship of the good and noble, who will cleanse you and heal you. Man is consumed by time; God is the master of time. So take refuge in God. Let God be your Guru, your path, your Lord.

- Divine Discourse, 2 July 1985

Why must we develop the habit to never bear ill-will towards any being in this Universe?

The Gita offers valuable advice to help one swim across the sea of sorrow. Bear no ill-will against any living being (Adweshta Sarva Bhoothaanaam), always be engaged in promoting the wellbeing of all (Sarva Bhootha Hithe Rathaah), and consider foe and friend alike (Samah Shathrou Cha Mithre Cha) - these are jewels contained in the Gita, highlighting the means to develop Universal Love. By declaring that none should have ill feeling towards the entire world of living beings, the Gita is teaching an invaluable lesson that the Divine is in all beings and objects, as an active illumining Principle, appropriately called Atma. The Vedic assertions also firmly establish this profound Truth. All are enveloped in God (Ishaavasyamidham Sarvam); the inner core of all beings is He (Sarva Bhootha antharaatma).

- Divine Discourse, 29 July 1969

What should we focus on in this life and why?

When Yajnavalkya resolved to go into the forest to live as an ascetic, he called his two wives before him and proposed to divide the riches he had earned between them. Before accepting her share, Maitreyi asked her husband whether the riches will help her to realise Truth and achieve immortality. When she understood that they will not, and in fact they are mere hindrances, she refused to be burdened. Nachiketa refused the gifts of empire, affluence, and years of healthy life. Prahladha taught the same lesson to his playmates. Buddha solved the mystery of suffering through renunciation of attachment as the first step in his Sadhana. All of them had implicit faith in the existence of God; their lives revolved on the axis of that faith.

- Divine Discourse, 19 July 1970

What is the simplest five point discipline to convert our home, wherever we are, into His residence, where the Lord dwells?

Silence is the first step in Sadhana, which makes the other steps easy. It promotes self-control, lessens chances of anger, hate, malice, greed and pride. Besides, you can hear His footsteps, only when silence reigns in the mind. Cleanliness opens the door to Godliness. Inner and outer cleanliness are essential to install God within your heart. Service saves you from the agony you get when another suffers; it broadens your vision, widens your awareness, and deepens your compassion. All the waves on the sea originate from the same sea and also merge in it. Seva teaches you to be firm in this knowledge. Practice Love. Practice hatelessness. None must be looked down upon as secondary, inferior or unimportant. Everyone has their allotted role in the drama designed by the Almighty. Do not slight, insult or injure any one; for , He is in every being and your slight thus becomes a sacrilege.

- Divine Discourse, 19 July 1970

True education is that which develops in you love for your fellow-beings and motivates you to serve the community

Your mind must be trained to develop a taste for the good and the godly, not for money or material gains

God's love descends equally on all people. A fragrant flower retains its fragrance whether you hold in the right hand or the left

Love is God, live in Love

Love can be developed and fostered only when non-violence is practiced

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