Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On Onion - In charak samhita

Courtesy: Sri.Bryan Hill
From the charaka - saMhitA, sUtrasthAna, adhyAya 27, shlokas 175 - 176 on palANDu and lashuna:
श्लेष्मलो मारतुघ्नश्च पलाण्डुर्न च पित्तनुत् । आहारयोगी बल्यश्च गुरुर्वृष्योऽथ रोचनः ॥१७५॥
क्रिमिकुष्ठकिलासघ्नो वातघ्नो गुल्मनाशनः । स्निग्धश्चोष्णश्च वृष्यश्च लशुनः कटुको गुरुः ॥१७६॥
 " The palANDu (onion) aggravates kapha, alleviates vAta and not pitta, is useful in diet, strengh - promoting, heavy, aphrodisiac and relishing. 
    The lashuna (garlic) alleviates worms, leprosy, leucoderma, vAta and gulma and is unctuous, hot, aphrodisiac, pungent and heavy. "
                                                                               Onion and garlic should be consumed only when one is diseased, otherwise the nishhedhas forbidding their consumption are correct due to the effects of the items, such as vR^ishhya (aphrodisiac). Certainly celibate brahmacharis, vanaprasthas and sannyAsis cannot be eating these items as a regular part of their diet!


If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

  Every moment, thank God

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