Thursday, November 18, 2010

Caste system in sruti & smritis

Courtesy:Sri.Ramgopal & Dr.Ranjeet singh


 Every Hindu activist or scholar, whether for or against
 birth-based caste system, accepts the authority of Rigveda
s Purush Sukta,
 (also found in the Yajurveda, Chapter 31). The relevant Mantra,
 (Rig.10-90-12), reads:
Brahmano-asya mukhamasid bahurajanyah kritah/
 Uru-tadasya yad-vaishyah paadbhyam shudro-ajayat
. Pro-birth based caste
 system interpret it to mean that the Brahmins are born out of Brahma
 mouth, the Kshatriyas of Brahma
s hands, the Vaishyas (traders and farmers)
 of Brahma
s thighs, the Shudras of Brahmas feet

. In tune with this Vedic pronouncement, Lord
 Krishna says in the Geeta, chap.4/13,
*Chaturvarnyam maya srishtam
*, (I am the creator of the fourfold human society
 according to aptitude and profession). There is no reference to birth,
 either in the Rigveda or the Geeta.

 In his great treatise,
Arthashastra, Kautilya, the Prime Minister of
 Chandragupta Maurya, (4th century BC), says that (Hindu or Vedic) polity
 rests on four branches of Vidya (Knowledge & practice), namely,
 (philosophy of Sankhya, Yoga and Lokayat
Public relations); Trayee (the
 three Vedas); Varta (agriculture, trade, cattle breeding): and Dandaniti
 (system of crime and punishment).

In one of his Sutras, Chanakya says, Acharvan
, a person of proper code of conduct and gifted
 with modesty should be considered a man of noble birth, even if he comes
 from a low family, (KPA Menon
s Kautilya on Rajaniti, p.259, published by
 Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi).


 *saamvedah braahmanah, yajurvedam kshatriyah, rigvedah vaishyah and
 atharva vedah shoodrah iti.*

 (Taittireeya Braahma*n*a 3:12:62)


 *karkaali-meenaa vipraashch meshah sinho dhanur-nripah/*

 * vrishah-kanyaa-mrigo vaishyah shoodro yugmam tulaadharah//*


 *shukra brihaspatee braahmanau, soorya mangalau kshatriyau,*

 * chandramaa vaishyah, buddhah shoodrah. Shani-rahu ketavo*

 * antyajaah.* (Muhoorta-chintaama*n*ih 5:43)


 *charka-vaakah kapotash braahmanaah, saarangaa bakaashch kstariyaah,
 hansa-mayoor-prabhritayo vaishyaah, kaaka-gridhra-aadyah shoodraah.
 (aniratam stri-shoodrah shvaa-krishnah shakunih [kaakah] na prekshata.)* Shat.


 *aadityaah kshatriyaas-teshaam vishash marutas-tathaa/*

 * ashvinau tu smritau shoodau tapasyugre samaahitau//*

 *smritaash-angiraso devaa braahmanaah iti nishchayah/*

 *itya-etat-sarvam-devaanaam chatur-varnyam prakeertitam//*


 * shvetaastu braahmanaah gyeyaah kshatriyaah raktavarnakaah/*

 * peetaastu vaishyaa vigyeyaah krishnaah shoodraa udaahritaah//*

 (rudraaksh-jaabaal-upanishad 1:9:10)

 *When Shri Bhagavaan has even ordained* different Dharmas for each of the
 different Varna and their admixtures - Varna Sankaras - how can it be
 claimed by anyone then that there were no castes nor caste differentiation
 and the system of Ashramas in us? Out of sheer human vanity, if they are
 foolishly removed taking them to be a disease, a blight or a diseased growth
 and social affliction, how shall the Dharma be able to be called or labelled
 as Sanatan Dharma then -- nay, how would it even *be* Sanatan Dharma?
 Also, how shall it even exist with the dislodgement and elimination of the
 very base on which it is standing and is its life and breath?

 *lokaanaam to vi-vridhyartham mukh-baahu-ooru-paadatah.*

 *braahmanam kshatriyam vaishyam shoodram ch nir-varttayat//* Manu 1:31

 *And, that all the created were awarded* names and Karmas (duties) in
 accordance with the words of the Vedas:
 *sarveshaam to sa naamaanee karmaanee ch prithak-prithak/*

 *veda-shabdebhya eva-aadau prithak-sansthaash-ch nirmame//* 1:21

 *They have been with us* and came down as a continuous tradition from our
 ancestors since Creation.

 *labdhvaa-nimittam-avyaktam vyaktaavyaktam bhavatyuta/*

 *yathaa yoni yathaa beejam svabhaavena baleeyasaa//*


 *karmanaa jaayate jantuh karnaiva vileeyate/*

 *sukham du:kham bhayam shokam karmanaiva abhipadyate//*

 The second verse beautifully explains the cause, the reason behind the
 variety, different Varnas, Jatis and inequality observed in the creation of
 the Creator Parmaatma.

Quotes from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

 1. *kaaranam gunasango
asya sad-asad-yoni janmasu//*

 * tathaa praleenas-tamasi moodhyonishu jaayate//*

 * *

 2. *oordhvanm gachhanti satvasthaa madhye tishtthati raajasaah//*

 * *

 3. *jaghanya-guna-vritisthaa adho gachhanti taamasaah// *

 * *

 4. *shucheenaam shreemataam gehe yoga bhrashto

 * *

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

  Every moment, thank God



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