Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sri Rama Ashtapadi


Sri Rama Ashtapadi-4 & 5 (Fourth and fifth Ashtapadi) published in recent issues of SAMSKRITASRI is attached. (चन्दनचर्चित इतिवत्)

(Like in Chandanacharchita)

रामक्रियारागॆण]                                           [आदितालॆन 

Raga Ramakriya]                                                                                       [ Tala Adi)

         काचन वीक्षितु-मॆन-मनङ्गमिवॊञ्झित-मण्डनलीला । 

अभजत सौधमपि त्वरया निजमगणित-गुरुजनजाला ॥ 

प्रविशति दाशरथौ नगरे सरॊजदृशा-मभिमानहरे ॥ (प्रविशति)

Unnoticed by the group of elders, a woman reached her mansion quickly and agitatedly 

with playful sport as if she were about to see Manmatha, when Rama entered the city, 

robbing the ego of the women, who had eyes, lovely like lotus.

         कापि निनिन्द वधूरधिकं निजकुचभर-जघन-नितम्बम् । 

रघुवर-दर्शन-जनित-कुतूहल-गमन-विरचित-विलम्बम् ॥ (प्रविशति)

In her great curiosity to look at Rama, the great personage in the Raghu lineage, and 

anxiety owing to delay (in reaching the vantage point) due to her slow gait, another 

woman cursed her heavy bosom, hips and the posterior for causing it.

         काचन लॊचनदॆयमदादळिके महिळाञ्जनभङ्गम् । 

काप्यपलायत कमितरि पश्यति विवृतकुचा गतसङ्गम् ॥ (प्रविशति)

Yet another woman put on her forehead the collyrium to be applied on the eyes. 

Another ran with her breasts exposed with others looking lustily at her.

         कापि ददौ करपल्लवयॊ-र्मणिनूपुरमस्मृतदॆहा । 

सौधगवाक्षं गतमपराप्यनुत-त्पृथुकुचपरिणाहा ॥ (प्रविशति)

Another woman, unmindful of her limbs, put on her tender hands the gem-studded 

anklets. Another reached the window in her mansion with her large breasts untied.

         नॆत्रमहॊत्सव एष नृणामिह दृष्टिपथादतियाति 

एहि साखि त्वरयॆति च काचिदकूजद-लज्ज-मभीति ॥ (प्रविशति)

Another woman shouted without any bashfulness or fear to her friend, asking her to 

come quickly and saying that a great festivity for the human eyes is moving away from 

         काचन तूर्णमलक्तज-सिक्तपदॆन पुरः प्रचलन्ती । 

यॊषि-दशॊभत हृद्यनुराग-ममान्तमिव प्रकिरन्ती ॥ (प्रविशति)

Another woman was going in front with rapid strides of her feet decorated with red lac; 

she shone as if she were exhibiting the great love in her heart; it was as if she was 

shedding orange light in the dusk of Amavasya day.

         कापि गवाक्षपदॆन समीक्ष्य रघुप्रवरं जनवृन्दॆ । 

हररतिपतिरयमिति सादरमञ्जलिनैव ववन्दॆ ॥ (प्रविशति)

Yet another woman looked at Rama among the crowd of people through the window 

and paid respects with folded hands, thinking that this must be the enchanting Siva or 

         कापि निपीय दृशैव विभुं हृदि भावनया विहरन्ती । 

विरहभया-दपिहित-नयनाजनि सौख्य-मिवानुभवन्ती ॥ (प्रविशति)

Another woman drank the beauty of Rama with her eyes; with emotions of love 

straddling her heart and enjoying great happiness, she then shut her eyes with the fear 

         रामकवेरिति गीतमिदं परिगायति यॊ मृदुरागम् । 

कामपते तमनङ्गभयादिह यॊषिदुदञ्चित रागम् ॥           (प्रविशति)

One, who sings this song of soft emotions of love of Ramakavi, is struck by the love 

overflowing in the women, afraid of Manmatha.

श्लो ॥ वरगुण-गणारामं रामं समीक्ष्य सलक्ष्मणं

        सपदि जनको राजा पूजां विधाय कुतूहली ।

        दुहितृविषयां चिन्ता-मन्तर्वह-न्ननयोः कथां

        कुशिक-तनयं पृच्छत्यच्छाशयं स्म सविस्मयः ॥

Looking at Rama, the abode of host of lofty qualities, accompanied by Lakshmana, King 

Janaka performed Pooja quickly. With the anxiety on account of his daughter in his 

mind (relating to her marriage), he asked Viswamitra with wonder for a complete 

narration of the story of these two personages.

In this fourth Ashtapadi, the poet employs his fertile imagination to portray 

'Sringara' (passionate love) rasa in the context of the women of Mithila looking at 

the strange handsome visitor. Unlike 'Gita Govindam', Sringara rasa is sparingly 

used by Ramakavi in Rama Ashtapadi; this is one of those rare pieces. Mithila 

women eyeing Rama with love is unknown to Valmiki and Adhyatma Ramayanas. 

Ramakavi bases this Ashtapadi on Kamba Ramayanam in Tamil, where such a 

(निभृतनिकुञ्ज इतिवत्)

(Like in Nibhrutanikunja)

काम्भोजिरागेण]                                                                             [त्रिपुटतालेन 

Raga Kambhoji]                                                                                         [ Tala Triputa)


अन्यॊन्यसदृश-सुरूपधराविह काविमौ मौलिधृतेषुधी ॥ 

मधुरतराकृति-महीपतिलक्षण-महितौ कावेतौ नितान्त्तम् ॥ (वद)

Who are these two, with tufts of hair decorated with gem studded beautiful ornaments, 

with quiver of arrows hanging from head, and resembling each other in handsome 

Tell me oh sage, the story of these two in full. Who are they, with enchanting sweet 

forms, bearing the signs of kings?

         समदमदावळ-गर्वितकेसरि-मन्थरतर-गतिधीरौ । 

आजानु-लम्बितपीन-भुजाविह काविमौ राजकुमारौ ॥ (वद)

Who are these two brave princes, striding slowly like lions intoxicated, and with hefty 

         कर्णान्त-विश्रान्त-रक्तान्त-लॊचन-सूचित-महाराजवंशॊ । 

अन्यॊन्य-समानौ प्रमाणेङ्गितादिषु काविमौ तूणयुतांसौ ॥ (वद)

Who are these, with blood red eyes extending upto ears indicating royal lineage, and 

looking similar in appearance and conduct, and bearing the quiver of arrows?

         सुरमणि-नवहॆम-मसृण-तनुद्युति-पुनरुक्तरत्नकलापौ । 

अभिनव-यौवन-दॆहधराविह काविमौ करधृतचापौ ॥ (वद)

Who are these, whose forms exhibit fresh youth, and whose bodies shine brilliantly like 

divine gem-studded freshly minted gold, decorated with superfluous gem studded 

ornaments, and with bows in their hands? 

         क्षत्रकुलोचित धीरगुणावपि शान्तौ तवाप्यनुरूपौ । 

ममनयनॊत्सव-पॊषकराविह काविमौ मदनसुरूपौ ॥         (वद)

Who are these, looking like Manmatha, nurturing the celebration of my eyes, and, 

remaining peaceful to go with your nature, though possessed of courageous qualities 

         ध्रुवमति-मानुष-मस्त्यनयोरिह धाम किमप्यतिमात्रम्। 

         श्रवण-कुतूहल-मुदयति मे मुनिकुलवर किं कुलगॊत्रम् ॥ (वद)

These two are certainly superhuman, beyond measure. Which is their residence here? 

What is their lineage and Gotra? O best among sages, I am eager to listen from you.

         त्रिभुवन-मॊहनकर-मनयॊरिद-मृषिवर-रूपमुदारम् । 

वीक्ष्य जनॊ भुवि विस्मयतॆ हृदि कॊ भजतॆ न विकारम् ॥ (वद)

O best among Rishis, the handsome form of these two enchants the three worlds; on 

seeing them, who in this world will not undergo transformation with wonder in heart?

         श्रीरामकविनॆति वर्णित-मदुभूत-रघुवर-रूपविलासम् । 

गायता-मनुदिन-मनुभजतॆ हृदि रघुपति-रनिश-निवासम् ॥ (वद)

Rama takes residence permanently in the heart of one, who sings every day this song 

of Sri Ramakavi describing the wonderful beauty of the form of Rama.

श्लॊ ॥   विश्वामित्रवचः प्रहृष्टजनक-व्यादिष्टदूतॊदितैः 

क्षिप्रं प्राप निजैर्जनै-र्दशरथ-स्सीरध्वज-स्यान्तिकम् । 

गॊदानादि समस्त-माभ्युदयिकं कृत्वाथ रामादयः 

चत्वारॊऽपि विदॆहराज-तनया-पाणीनगृह्णन्-करैः ॥

Janaka overflowed with joy on hearing the words of Viswamitra in reply and sent 

emissaries to Dasaratha. Accompanied by relatives, Dasaratha reached Janaka's city 

quickly. Rama and his brothers – all four of them – performed Godana, Naandi Sraadha 

etc. in detail and clasped the hands of the daughters of the king of Videha in marriage.

         नवमिव मनःकामं रामं सकौतुक-मङ्गलं 

परिणयविधौ दॆव्या दिव्यां वहन्त-मलङ्कृतिम् । 

ध्वनति गगने भेर्या तौर्यत्रिके सुरसुभ्रुवां 

मिलित-मभवद्विश्वं शश्वत् विलॊकितु-मादरात् ॥

The universe became curious with freshly developing longing mixed with respect in 

order to see the auspicious Rama during his marriage with Devi, beautifully decorated, 

when the sky reverberated with the triple symphony of song, instrumental music of 

kettle drum and dance of celestial women of beauty.

The poet shows his mastery while bringing out the handsomeness, the kshatriya 

sternness and pleasing qualities of Rama and Lakshmana in this Ashtapadi. 

Janaka speaks as if in anticipation of Rama's prowess waiting to be exhibited 

while handling the Siva bow. This is a nice building up on what is only indicated 

as a short curious enquiry in Valmiki Ramayanam. The poet does not mention 

Rama breaking the Siva bow, making it as a pointer hidden in the fact that Janaka

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