Thursday, March 12, 2015

Aghamarshana mantram for bath

courtesy: Sri.Anantanarayanvan Vaidyanathan

Aghamarshana manthras.

हिरण्यशृङ्गं वरुणम् प्रपद्ये तीर्थं मे देहि याचितः।

यन्मया भुक्तमसाधूनाम् पापेभ्यश्च प्रतिग्रहः॥५५॥
यन्मे मनसा वाचा कर्मणा वा दुष्कृतम् कृतं
तन्न इन्द्रो वरुणो बृहस्पतिः सविता च पुनन्तु पुनः पुनः॥५६॥
नमोऽग्नयेऽप्सुमते नम इन्द्राय नमो वरुणाय नमो वारुण्यै नमोऽद्भ्यः॥५७॥
यदपां क्रूरम् यदमेध्यं यदशान्तं तदपगच्छतां॥५८॥
अत्याशनादतीपानात् यच्च उग्रात् प्रतिग्रहात्।
तन्मे वरुणो राजा पाणिना ह्यवमर्शतु॥५९॥
सोऽहमप्यपापो विरजो निर्मुक्तो मुक्तकिल्बिषः

नाकस्य पृष्टमारुह्य गच्छेत्ब्रह्मसलोकतां॥६०॥
यश्चप्सु वरुणः स पुनात्वघमर्षणः॥६१॥
इमम् मे गङ्गे यमुने सरस्वती शतुद्रि स्तोमग्ँ सचता परुष्णिया
असिक्निया मरुद्दृधे वितस्तयार्जीकीये शृणुह्या सुषोमया॥६२॥
तैत्तरीयारण्यके महानारायणोपनिषत्सु  प्रथमभागः
hiraNyashR^i~NgaM varuNam prapadye tiirthaM me dehi yaachitaH.
yanmayaa bhuktamasaadhuunaam paapebhyashcha pratigrahaH..55..
yanme manasaa vaachaa karmaNaa vaa duSkR^itam kR^itaM
tanna indro varuNo bR^ihaspatiH savitaa ch punantu punaH punaH..56..
namo.agnaye.apsumate nama indraaya namo varuNaaya namo vaaruNyai namo.adbhyaH..57..
yadapaaM kruuram yadamedhyaM yadashaantaM tadapagachchhataaM..58..
atyaashanaadatiipaanaat yachcha ugraat pratigrahaat.
tanme varuNo raajaa paaNinaa hyavamarshatu..59..
so.ahamapyapaapo virajo nirmukto muktakilbiSaH
naakasya pR^iSTamaaruhya gachched brahmasalokataaM..60..
yashchapsu varuNaH sa purtwghamarSanaH..61..
imam me ga~Nge yamune saraswatii shatudri stomag.N sachataa paruSNiyaa>
asikniyaa maruddR^idhe vitastayaarjiikiiye shR^iNuhyaa suSomayaa ..62..
taittariiyaaraNyake mahaanaaraayaNopaniSatsu  prathamabhaagaH

Our ancestors believed that the ultimate relief from sins can be delivered to us only by water.. They praised the various deities presiding over water and its sources and also the great rivers found in India at that time with a request the all their sins should be washed off,  
This is aghamarshana mantram.

"I take refuge in Varuna who is having the golden hue and who adorns a golden diadem.
 O Varuna, having been entreated by me please grant me the tiitham  (saving grace in the shape of holy waters) 
 Let the waters purify me of the sin of enjoying the belongings of bad people and acceptance of gifts from sinners. 
 May Indra, Varuna, Brihaspati and Savita completely destroy whatever sin my people or I have committed in thought word and action. 
 My respectful salutation to the Badvaanala (The fire submerged in water), my salutations to Indra,  my salutations to Varuna, my salutations to Vaaruni, the consort of Varuna, and my salutations to all the deities of waters. 
 May,  as a result of my this prayer and the power of this mantra, all that is injurious, impure and troublesome in water be destroyed.
  May the king Varuna efface by his benevolent and strong hand whatever sins I have incurred by unlawful and limitless eating, unlawful drinking and accepting gift from one who is not eligible to grant a gift, or which gift is given to me impelling me to perform an unlawful act. 
 Thus being sinless,spotless,unbound from evil and bondage, may I become eligible to ascend the path of heaven and gain equal status with Brahman.
May Varuna the effacer of sins who dwells in all sources of water like ocean, rivers, tanks and wells  purify us.
O Ganga, O Yamuna, O Saraswati, O Sutudri, O Marudhwrudhaa, O Arjikiya, all of you mother rivers, come together to listen to this hymn of mine along with Parushni,  Asikni, Vitasta and Sushoma.."

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