Tuesday, February 10, 2015




The Acharya returned to Sringeri in 1940 and again went into retirement in the Narasimhavana. Though He was not accessible, thousands who prayed for His blessings in their troubles got relief. Many others were blessed even without any conscious attempt on their part to solicit His grace.

His Holiness seldom came out of His seclusion and on the few occasions He did, He used to perform Sri Sarada Chandramoulisvara puja meticulously. He fully demonstrated in His life the qualities of a sthita prajna as enunciated by Sri Krishna in the Gita. Although externally engaged in worldly actions, His Holiness, whenever He returned to bahirmukha (the state of normal activity), Had no attachment to any object whatsoever. His conduct did not annoy anybody. He behaved like an ideal friend of all.

Enjoying the Supreme Bliss, He moved sometimes like an ignorant one, sometimes with royal magnificence, sometimes full of auspiciousness, sometimes unmoving like a python, sometimes evoking respect, sometimes getting derided and sometimes unknown to anybody.

When numerous disciples approached the Acharya for permission to celebrate the 60th anniversary of His birth which fell in October 1952, He sternly discouraged the idea. When it was suggested that the funds collected would be spent in performing Atirudra and Sahasra Chandi homas He approved. The homas were conducted in April 1953. A large concourse of people from distant places gathered to witness this unique function and to get the blessings of the Acharya.

The Acharya came out of His retirement for a few weeks after the homas Had concluded, resumed His normal routine and received disciples. On August 24, 1954, President Rajendra Prasad paid a visit to Sringeri and was received by both the Senior and Junior Swamis with whom he spent some hours in intimate and soulful conversation. The Rashtrapatis innate humility, piety, godliness, and respect for saints much pleased the two Gurus, who showered their blessings on him.
Photo: SHORT BIOGRAPAHY OF JAGADGURU SRI CHANDRASHEKHARA BHARATI MAHASWAMIGAL (PART 7)    SILENT BLESSINGS    The Acharya returned to Sringeri in 1940 and again went into retirement in the Narasimhavana. Though He was not accessible, thousands who prayed for His blessings in their troubles got relief. Many others were blessed even without any conscious attempt on their part to solicit His grace.    His Holiness seldom came out of His seclusion and on the few occasions He did, He used to perform Sri Sarada Chandramoulisvara puja meticulously. He fully demonstrated in His life the qualities of a sthita prajna as enunciated by Sri Krishna in the Gita. Although externally engaged in worldly actions, His Holiness, whenever He returned to bahirmukha (the state of normal activity), Had no attachment to any object whatsoever. His conduct did not annoy anybody. He behaved like an ideal friend of all.    Enjoying the Supreme Bliss, He moved sometimes like an ignorant one, sometimes with royal magnificence, sometimes full of auspiciousness, sometimes unmoving like a python, sometimes evoking respect, sometimes getting derided and sometimes unknown to anybody.    When numerous disciples approached the Acharya for permission to celebrate the 60th anniversary of His birth which fell in October 1952, He sternly discouraged the idea. When it was suggested that the funds collected would be spent in performing Atirudra and Sahasra Chandi homas He approved. The homas were conducted in April 1953. A large concourse of people from distant places gathered to witness this unique function and to get the blessings of the Acharya.    The Acharya came out of His retirement for a few weeks after the homas Had concluded, resumed His normal routine and received disciples. On August 24, 1954, President Rajendra Prasad paid a visit to Sringeri and was received by both the Senior and Junior Swamis with whom he spent some hours in intimate and soulful conversation. The Rashtrapatis innate humility, piety, godliness, and respect for saints much pleased the two Gurus, who showered their blessings on him.

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