Tuesday, February 10, 2015




After the consecration was over, His Holiness steadily set His mind on the practical realization of the truths learned by Him through His exhaustive studies and, though He continued to expound the scriptures and the commentaries to deserving students, He spent more time in contemplation and Tapas. He felt that He must seek the grace of Sri Sharada and His Guru intensely and qualify Himself to the utmost for the seat of spiritual eminence which He had been called upon to occupy.

His intensive devotion to His Guru and the steady perseverance which characterized His efforts led Him in course of a few years to such an exalted state of erudition and self-realization as could not ordinarily be reached in several lives of genuine effort. He stands unrivalled in learning and stands equally unrivalled in the realization of the goal of the Vedanta. His predilection for contemplation naturally marked Him out from other people who could possibly have no conception of the supranormal experiences had by Him. It may be mentioned in parenthesis that His Parents were justly proud of their son and had the supreme satisfaction of seeing for themselves the spiritual eminence which He had attained.
Photo: SHORT BIOGRAPAHY OF JAGADGURU SRI CHANDRASHEKHARA BHARATI MAHASWAMIGAL (PART 4)    SELF-REALIZATION    After the consecration was over, His Holiness steadily set His mind on the practical realization of the truths learned by Him through His exhaustive studies and, though He continued to expound the scriptures and the commentaries to deserving students, He spent more time in contemplation and Tapas. He felt that He must seek the grace of Sri Sharada and His Guru intensely and qualify Himself to the utmost for the seat of spiritual eminence which He had been called upon to occupy.    His intensive devotion to His Guru and the steady perseverance which characterized His efforts led Him in course of a few years to such an exalted state of erudition and self-realization as could not ordinarily be reached in several lives of genuine effort. He stands unrivalled in learning and stands equally unrivalled in the realization of the goal of the Vedanta. His predilection for contemplation naturally marked Him out from other people who could possibly have no conception of the supranormal experiences had by Him. It may be mentioned in parenthesis that His Parents were justly proud of their son and had the supreme satisfaction of seeing for themselves the spiritual eminence which He had attained.

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