Wednesday, February 4, 2015



His Holiness Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal was by nature extremely retired and very humble. Once having heard a brilliant discourse from the divine lips of His Holiness, a disciple tried to write out an abstract of the same. He requested His Holiness to hear it in order to correct any inaccuracies that might have occurred.

His Holiness asked, "What for?"

Disciple : "I want to print and publish it and I naturally want that it should be an accurate abstract."

H.H. : "Why do you want to print and publish it? I have not said anything which has not already been said repeatedly and more effectively by our ancients."

Disciple : "It is not quite so, there were very many original thoughts in that discourse."

H.H. : "If so, they can have no value, as they do not have the sanction of our ancients; and on that score itself, they do not deserve any publication."
Photo: HUMILITY (EXPERIENCES WITH JAGADGURU SRI CHANDRASHEKHARA BHARATI MAHASWAMIGAL)    His Holiness Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal was by nature extremely retired and very humble. Once having heard a brilliant discourse from the divine lips of His Holiness, a disciple tried to write out an abstract of the same. He requested His Holiness to hear it in order to correct any inaccuracies that might have occurred.    His Holiness asked, "What for?"    Disciple : "I want to print and publish it and I naturally want that it should be an accurate abstract."    H.H. : "Why do you want to print and publish it? I have not said anything which has not already been said repeatedly and more effectively by our ancients."    Disciple : "It is not quite so, there were very many original thoughts in that discourse."    H.H. : "If so, they can have no value, as they do not have the sanction of our ancients; and on that score itself, they do not deserve any publication."Like ·  · Share

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