Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fwd: Maha Shivaratri


Maha Shivaratri - Awaken to Your Highest Consciousness 
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Lord ShivaTuesday, February 17 (IST) is an important day for 2015; it is the Night of Shiva, called Maha Shivaratri.Goddess Parvati once asked Shiva which rituals pleased him the most. Shiva replied that rituals performed on the 14th night of the New Moon, during the month of Phalgun (Feb/March), was his favorite and it was then named, Shivaratri. It is due to Lord Shiva's grace that once a year during the dark fortnight, called Maha Shivaratrieveryone has the potential to awaken to the highest consciousness possible.

Keep Vigil & Gain One Year of Spiritual Power

Maha Shivaratri: Awaken Your Highest Consciousness.

KarmaThere are certain practices and sounds we can perform on a 14th Waning Moon that allow us to acquire a NEW consciousness. Why is this important? Because, it means we can end old thought patterns that keep us stuck and block our growth. On Shivaratri, our mind principle is reduced and when our mind disappears, we are able to automatically receive a higher state of consciousness. Shivaratri is the natural astronomical window of time for soul transcendence and for us to awaken and evolve our brain. This is exactly why Yogis and Siddhas meditate but even if we dont meditate and don't plan to meditate, we can still receive great benefits by taking advantage of Shivaratri. Shivaratri is our chance to create a new life, with new opportunities and an unlimited future.

Maha Shivaratri: Clear Karma & Attain New Consciousness

Astrology behind Maha Shivaratri

JupiterMaha Shivaratri 2015, falls on Tuesday, February 17 (IST).. The Moon will be in the sign of Capricorn aligned with the Shravana star while receiving Jupiter's beneficial aspect. This arrangment supports the spiritual rituals being performed on this day and will help ensure that they are successful. In addition, the Moon will be aspected by Saturn. This makes the day more powerful for clearing Karma by worshiping Lord Shiva. The Moon is also placed in trine to Rahu which gives more importance to the temple rituals. Thus, this year AstroVed is going to sponsor rituals at 4 temples where Rahu has performed poojas to Lord Shiva during the 4 kalas of Maha Shivaratri. This Maha Shivaratri is special Astrologically because it gains power from 3 planets: Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn.

Maha Shivaratri: Dissolve Karma by Worshiping Lord Shiva

Shivaratri: Nama Shivaya.

"Always keep Nama Shivaya in your heart." 

MantraMillions of people will chant the mantra "NA MA SI VA YA" on the night of Maha Shivaratri. These are sounds that bring the grace of Shiva, and they are also are thesounds of the 5 elements:

  • NA is a sound for the earth element
  • MA is a sound for the water element
  • SI (pronounced like English word "she") is a sound for the fire element
  • VA is a sound for the air or wind element
  • YA is a sound for the ether or causal plane

Chanting these sounds on Maha Shivaratri helps harmonize us with all the elements so that we are transformed into being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, with the right attitude.

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