Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thai Velli: 4 Fridays with Abundant Goddess Energy

courtesy: Sri.S.Ramaswamy

Thai Velli: 4 Fridays with Abundant Goddess Energy


Astrology does not override the thoughts in our mind. It does reveal the thoughts we have become habituated to thinking, and astrological remedies can help us dissolve the negative thoughts we would like to be free of, and strengthen the positive thoughts we wish to acquire. One of the quickest ways to increase our level of positivity and motivation is to connect with the Goddess.

Increase Your Motivation & Positivity

Connecting with the GoddessConnecting with the Goddess will protect and strengthen our 4th house of prosperity and health.All Fridays are auspicious for the Goddess, especially during the solar month of Thai (January 14 until February 12). The 4 Fridays in the month of Thai are called Thai Velli. Friday is ruled by Venus and has a deep mystical connection to all Goddesses. We can see when someone has the Goddess in them. They have a special brightness, intelligence and attractiveness. We can have this as well, all we have to do is to call on Her. The Goddess brings life to anyone and everything she touches. This irresistible energy is something we can all nurture in ourselves. When the Goddess comes into us , there is no room for poverty, depression or lethargy. We can establish our link to the Divine Feminine energy during the 4 Fridays of Thai Velli by worshiping her .

Goddess Power: True Secret for a Successful Life

Astrology behind Thai Velli

Astrology behind Thai VelliFriday is dedicated to Shakti, the Mother Goddess, and Goddess Lakshmi. During the Vedic month of 'Thai', the creative power of the Goddess surges through everyone who connects with Her. Thai Velli is the ideal time to approach the all-pervading Goddess, Shakti. She can bless us with the secret on how to be successful in life. Thai Velli is very auspicious for the Goddess. We can approach the Goddess during Thai Velli even when our karmic record is bad. Each Friday during Thai Velli has a significant connection with wealth energy:

  • January 16: The star on this day is Anuradha the birth star of Goddess Lakshmi. Plus it's Vishnu's 11th Waning Moon: Ekadashi, increases wealth energy.
  • January 23: The star on this day is Purvabhadra the birth star of Lord Kubera.
  • January 30: The thithi on this day starts with Vishnu's 11th Waxing Moon: Ekadashi and turns into Dwadasi the 12th Moon phase of Goddess Lakshmi. 11th & 12th Waxing Moons amplifies wealth energy.
  • February 6: The star on this day is Purva Phalguni the star of Venus, the planet for prosperity and wealth.
Create a Significant Connection with Wealth Energy

3 Essential Goddess Powers

3 Essential Goddess PowersThai Fridays are auspicious because it's when the Sun starts its northward movement. All Goddesses will be newly energized with tremendous positive energy and power. During Thai Velli all Goddess energy will be extra powerful and easily received. This Goddess Power allows us to recreate ourself with new ideas of who we are and what we want our health, career and relationships to be. All the self help books in the world are not going to work, unless we have these 3 essential Goddess powers called Shakti. The reason we don't have the life our dream of is due to limited will power, limited activity and limited knowledge.The 3 Essential Goddess Powers Are:

  • Power of Will - "I want this." The will to manifest our desires.
  • Power of Action - "I will do this." The energy required for us to attract.
  • Power of Knowledge - "I know this." The understanding of what works for us.

Attain the power to create your own reality to experience and enjoy. Life is energy and the Goddess will fully energize us with the following Shaktis: )Ichcha Shakti (Will Power), Kriya Shakti (Action) and Gnana Shakti (Knowledge.

The Vedic Tamil month of Thai is considered as an incomparable month to worship Goddess Ma Shakti which falls between mid January to mid February. Poojas are done with much significance to please the Goddess on the four Fridays of this month. Prayers are offered by devotees to Goddess to bless them with creativity, strong will power and knowledge. For people who are wondering on the question on how to be successful in life, should pray to the all powerful Ma Shakti to get her divine blessings.

The importance of 4 Fridays

Each Friday in the month of Thai has its own importance and significance as these days are auspicious for Shakti, the omnipresent. Ma Shakti portrays herself as three forms for her devotees: Icha shakti, Kriya shakti and Gnana Shakti.

 Thai Velli

The Vedic Tamil month of Thai is considered as an incomparable month to worship Goddess Ma Shakti which falls between mid January to mid February. Poojas are done with much significance to please the Goddess on the four Fridays of this month. Prayers are offered by devotees to Goddess to bless them with creativity, strong will power and knowledge. For people who are wondering on the question on how to be successful in life, should pray to the all powerful Ma Shakti to get her divine blessings.

The importance of 4 Fridays

Each Friday in the month of Thai has its own importance and significance as these days are auspicious for Shakti, the omnipresent. Ma Shakti portrays herself as three forms for her devotees: Icha shakti, Kriya shakti and Gnana Shakti.

Icha shakti, Kriya shakti and Gnana Shakti

Icha ShaktiThe word "icha shakti" means will power. It relates to a person's creative drive, desire and motivation. One can modify his or her lcha Shakthi through their longing for God. The embodiment of Icha Shakti is Melur Thiruvudai Amman who would provide answers to all your questions on how to be successful in life.

Kriya ShaktiKriya Shakti represents the power of action. It is the ability to act efficiently to fulfill the desires and it relates to the physical body. Performing divine activities will help you improve your Kriya Shakthi. Thirumullaivayil Kodivudai Amman represents Kriya Shakti who will guide in all your endeavors.

Gnana Shakti: Gnana shakti denotes the power of knowledge. It leads to divinity and is the key to wisdom and is the ultimate ability to know the soul or Athma. Goddess Parvati characterizes Gnana Shakti who blesses you with knowledge. She is also the Goddess of splendor who would intensify your everlasting looks.

Mangadu Kamakshi is the fourth Friday in Thai Velli. It is a manifestation of all the three forms of Ma Shakti and offering special prayers on this day will remove the obstacles in marriage, career, finance etc. and will help you to be successful in life.

Recreate Your Life with Goddess Power


VenusVenus is also known as Shukra and He is the guru of the Asuras (demons). He is one of the Navagrahas (Nine planets) and rules over Friday. Venus is the second most benefic planet and rules over the signs Taurus and Libra, exalted in Pisces and debilitated Virgo. In Vedic Astrology, Venus is Male. But often Venus is referred to as being female. The confusion is due to the unique relationship Venus has with the Goddess. Venus is highly connected to all Goddesses and supports and nurtures Divine Feminine energy. Without the Goddess there is no material prosperity, wealth or beauty. Venus can bless you with wealth because of His connection to Goddesses.

Did You Know?

Srinivasa RamanujanOne of India's great mathematical minds, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), was born in Tamil Nadu, South India. He told people that a Goddess visited him in his dreams and wrote equations on his tongue. He once told a friend, "An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God."

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