Thursday, January 22, 2015


The evergreen truth.. narrated in a nice way..

Personal experience..

Met one of the corporate czars recently over lunch who was trying to recruit me back. She was shocked that I was without a formal job for three years and wanted to know how I spent these three years. I said I did this and that and obtained a PhD in ABDN..

Being CEO of a world famous tech company she didn't want to appear ignorant of a new technology and made the usual exclamations like "wow.. amazing.. really Dr Laloo etc etc". However towards the end of the lunch, she bent forward & whispered " what was the topic again on which you got your PhD?"

I replied "ABDN" very seriously

She expected me to tell her but I kept quiet and was busy finishing the dessert..

"Ok tell me, what does it stands for " was her next question

"Appearing Busy Doing Nothing"

She threw the dessert spoon on me which thanks to my stars, missed my ferrari glasses & hit the forehead..

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