Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pranam Baba part2

Courtesy: Sri.JK.Sivan


Now  you  have a good idea of what type of  semi-town was Pradhistanapur.  It was a beautiful place for learning, religious activities and sharing food for many in those days. Every house had a place for strangers to sit, stay and sleep and every householder extended courtesies to those from other far off places to be with them as their best friends and relatives.  Most of the residents were brahmins and so always there was some chanting of manthras or spiritual holy sloka or hymn heard by every passerby.  The streets were a few in the agraharam as they were called and the rows of houses were mostly thatched side by side facing each other in the streets.  Trees full of flowers were in front of each house and so the air was sweet smelling.  The front  yards of the houses were cool to sit and relax  where  children always played.  The streets were clean as people removed all the  stones.  There were temples for Siva and Narayana  on either side of the main street. 

On the day it was announced that the Brahmin chief, aided by his committee  would be  investigating the matter of the death of  Pranam  Baba, prosecuting  saint Eknath as the murderer, all  the people in the town  assembled in front of the Siva temple under the peepal tree.  

The chief  priest of the temple was the judge. He was the local leader of the brahmins in the town and it was he would be would conducting the investigation and award punishment to Eknath if found guilty. 

Many people were upset and formed groups and  discussed what would be outcome of this enquiry.

Many cried for Eknath.  "He is a great saint.  Devout Vittal devotee.  How could anyone accuse him?" 

Those who  did  not like  Eknath  said  he  killed the Pranam hermit due to jealousy.

"He deserves it.   Knowing only Marathi, he is proud of the admiration and respect that he has gained from people than us who are proficient Sanskrit scholars.  Let's see how his fame helps him now" cursed some.   So many were in support of Eknath with some against him.  The Chief priest cum judge along with  his  committee  for enquiry  arrived at the dais and sat under the tree in front of the Sivan Temple.

In his Ashram,  Eknath as usual  got up early in the morning.  After the bath, he got deeply involved in his  Vittal prayers followed by Namasankeerthan.  When the sankeerthan finished,  he  observd some people were waiting  for him  and called  them inside offering prasdh.  They told him to go to Sivan Temple with them for inquiry into the death of the Pranam Baba.   Eknath was immediately required to report for enquiry and so   Eknath went with them to the  Siva Temple.  He  stood  before the Enquiry committee. 

"Eknath! Do you realise you have made a mistake.  Why did you criticize the Pranam Baba for giving life to the dead donkey?"

"In this world, birth and death are beyond the purview of humans.  The Pranam Baba  believed that there is GOD in everything.  So when he performed his usual pranam to the donkey, Vittal only  just  performed the  miracle to affirm Pranam Baba's faith.  I told Baba that birth and death of anything should be as per HIS plan and cautioned the respected Baba about the after effects of giving life back to the donkey.  I do not know anything else"

"Did you tell him to die?"

"Just by asking a person to die, one cannot die.  Only by strong penance and boon, a person can end his/her life at  his option.  It is impossible for everyone. .  You know this very well.  Birth and death  is decided by Vittal.   Birth and death of anything should follow the HIS ordain.  I was just cautioning him about the after effects of giving life back to the donkey.  I do not know anything else"

"Did you tell him to die?"

"Just by telling a person cannot die.  Only by strong penance and boon, a person can end the life.  You know this very well.  Birth and death are decided by Vittal." 

"No.  You are lying. You told the Baba to attain  samadhi.  Many have seen and heard it.  The late Baba  also expressed his consent to you".

"When I was meditating on Vittal, HE  indicated to me that the time had occurred for Baba's samadhi.  I conveyed to him what Vittal indicated to me.  That's all."

"Oh! You say that Vittal  wanted to indicate his decision  through you.  Do you want us to believe you.  

''I  tell only the truth''

"No.  You are lying.  You told him to attain samadhi.  Many have seen and heard what you exchanged with the Baba.   The late Baba  conveyed his  consent to what you said."

''I am telling the truth and what  I conveyed to the Pranam Baba  was the ordain of Vittal  conveyed through me.


Oh!   Was it  Vittal  who wanted you to convey this to Pranam Baba.?     'Let us see if Vittal gives you any further indication now.  Can you see the Stone Nandhi here?  Ask your Vittal to make this stone bull eat this handful of  grass and  tell the Stone Nandhi to eat this grass.   Let  us see how Vittal accomplishes this task through you.   If the stone Nandhi eats the grass, we would believe and unanimously agree that you are innocent  and  not a sinner  to be punished by this committee''

 Every one there  laughed at this decision and many pitied Eknath as he was likely to be  punished and imprisoned. 

Eknath was least perturbed.  He  simply  took the grass bunch from the hands of the chief priest   and went near the stone bull.  Everyone laughed at him as  a mad  person  but that did not deter  or  worry Eknath.

"Vittal!  These people are testing You.  I am just an instrument.   I shall abide by your decision.  It is up to You to show to these people whether I am innocent or a culprit.  Jai Vittal! Jai Panduranga."

Eknath went  near the stone bull  and circumambulated it and stood before it.   "Nandhikeswara! I bow to you.  You are Lord Shiva's vehicle.  Please accept the food given by  Vittal for you.''  Fondly he touched the bull's head.  The stone bull started to move gently and extended  its tongue out.  Very  happily the  Nandi  swallowed the entire grass bundle in one go, got up  and   walked towards the Godhavari river and vanished.

Is it necessary to write what  happened afterwards?  I am sure you would have guessed.  Yes.  The brahmins and others fell at Eknath's feet and sought his forgiveness.   As usual, nothing bothered him and  went  back  in praise of Vittal to  resume his prayers.

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