Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ashvina/Purattasi month - Venkatesha Sahasranamam - Padma Puranam

courtesy: Sri.K.Muralidharan Iyengar

Dear All,

Greetings and Namaste. As the Ashvina/Purattasi month starts on 17-September-2014 (Wed) according to Solar Calendar (and 23-Spe-2014 by Lunar Calendar). As is well known, this month is special in a few ways - Worship of Lord Venkateshwara, Navaratri/Dasera and Mahalaya Amavasya. While it is good to worship Lord Venkateshwara daily during this month, Saturdays are especially important (which can be evidenced by the huge crowd in Lord Venkateshwara/Srinivasa Temples on Saturdays all over the world).

In this connection, I am happy to share a rare Venkatesha Sahasranama Stotram from Padma Puranam. The commonly known Vekatesha Sahasranama is from Brahmanda Puranam but this one is different and is rarely used. Further this is not complete similar to the Jagannatha Sahasranama I shared last year. Presumably, this was available in old manuscripts or palm leaves and portions were lost.  The structure of this Sahasranama closely resembles Nrusimha Sahasranama or Kalabhairava Sahasranama. The brief Phalashruti mentions that one who chants this during Ashvina month once/twice/thrice a day gets the darshan of Lord Venkateshwara Himself and all the rightful wishes fulfilled.

Reverting back to the subject of old manuscripts, I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Sri. Sreenivasa Kagalonu (Chennai) and Sri. N.C. Raghava (Singapore) and Sri. Rajshekhar Mallampalli (UK) for arranging to get the photos of palm leaves from Adyar Library in Chennai containing Savitri Sahasranama, Gayatri Sahasranama from Vishnu Yamala and many other stotras. I am in the process of getting these transliterated from Telugu to English through another well-wisher.

Surely blood will flow as tears if we look at the condition of these manuscripts. We are in talk with the head of Adyar Library to see how the treasures in their library can be digitized and preserved.

Just because these are rarely used by current generation does not mean that the future generations can be denied of inheriting these wealth. In addition to the condition of the manuscripts, the language/script is also a challenge - some of them are in old Telugu script, some in Grantha (almost extinct) and some in other languages. Digitizing them and transliterating them into common mark-up languages like iTRANS will be the best way to preserve these.

May We Pray To Lord Venkateshwara with this Sahasranama during Ashwina month. Recently, the story of Arjita Seva at Tirupati is making rounds in the email - how a very ordinary and poor Muslim family in Andhra saved money over 3 generations to get 108 gold coins stamped with Venkateshwara Ashtottaram in order to use the same for KanakArchana which finally came into effect in 1980s - it is a truly moving story. I read and reread the story many times and I was reminded of the follow shloka from Srimad Bhagavatam

nAlaM dvijatvaM devattvaM RRiShittvaM vAsurAtmajAH |
prINanAya mukundAya na vRRittaM na bahuGYatA ||
na dAnaM na tapo nejyA na shaucaM na vratAni ca |
prIyate .a malAya bhaktyA harir anyad viDambanam ||
Meaning : Being a Brahmin or a Deva or a Rishi (Sage), demeanour, broad knowledge, etc. will not be sufficient to please Lord Mukunda. Neither Dana, Tapas, Yaga, Shauca, Vrata, etc. will be sufficient. Lord Hari is pleased only by immaculate Bhakti. All others are outwardly drama/pomp. [Please worship Lord Hari by treating every other being as equivalent to yours].

Though it might sound obvious, it is not as - ego is not easy to win - and makes many to think that they are more equal than others (by virtue of being born in a community/sect, performing some deeds/rituals, etc.) and therefore deserve 'entitlement' from Lord - and this translates into elitism, arrogance, favouritism, etc. And the truth is - there is no better illustration of sheer ignorance than this. Reading the Karunya Stavam from Brahma Puranam (which I shared a couple of years ago) might show us our right place as it delineates the journey of soul over various births.

May Lord Venkateshwara Lead Us (gadAdharo me vidadhAtu satgatim)!

NB : Many people requested the stotra to be givin English too and I am glad to include Roman version.

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