Tuesday, July 19, 2011

doing in group

Courtesy: Sri.KV .Ananatanarayanan

एक स्वादु न भुञ्जीत एकश्चार्थान्न चिन्तयेत्।*
*एको न गच्छेदध्वानं नैक सुप्तेषु जगृयात्॥*
*महाभारथे उद्योगपर्वणि प्रजागरणपर्वणि विदुरनीतिवाक्ये ॥३३--४५॥*
eka svādu na bhuñjīta ekaścārthānna cintayet|*
*eko na gacchedadhvānaṁ naika supteṣu jagṛyāt||*
*mahābhārathe udyogaparvaṇi prajāgaraṇaparvaṇi viduranītivākye ||33--45||*
When one gets delicious food, he should not eat it all alone, One should
never be selfish in planning to amass wealth singly without taking others
into confidence and partnership, one should never go all alone on a long
journey, and one should not keep awake and spy on others when all others are
*There are two sides to the delicious food. A gourmet would like to fill
himself up with the whole potfuls. But if the food is shared, others will
also enjoy the tasted and praise it. If there is something not exactly
right with the food it will be made public very soon if it is shared. From
the angle of longevity also this is advised. Planning finances without any
confidante is dangerous. If secret investments are made without anyone else
knowing it the money is gone for ever. Besides if there is a loss, a
partnership will share it equitably. Travelling alone is alien terrains are
fraught with danger. If there is a companion he may escape and report back
to your kith and kin what happened to you. Spying on friends when they are
asleep by keeping oneself awake is bad morals. The table**s can be turned
against you at any time.

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

  Every moment, thank God

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