Courtesy: Sri.Bryan Hill
" Now, (I) shall explain the chapter on the non - suppression of urges. As propounded by bhagavAt Atreya. The wise should not suppress th impending urges of urination, faeces, semen, flatus, vomiting, sneezing, ructation, yawning hunger, thirst, tears, sleep and breathing after excertion. The disorders which arise due to suppression of these impending urges are described by me separately for the sake of treatment; listen. "
अथातो नवेगान्धारणीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ॥१॥
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः ॥२॥
न वेगान् धारयेद्धीमाञ्जातान् मूत्रपुरीषयोः । न रेतसो न वातस्य न छर्द्याः क्षवथोर्न च ॥३॥
नोद्गारस्य न जृम्भाया न वेगान् क्षुत्पिपासयोः । न बाष्पस्य न निद्राया निःश्वासस्य श्रमेण च ॥४॥
एतान् धारयतो जातान् वेगान् रोगा भवन्ति ये । पृथक्पृथक्चिकित्सार्थं तान्मे निगदतः शृणु ॥५॥
From the Ayurved charakasaMhitA , adhyAya 7. 1 - 5. The following is from the same adhyAya, vAkyas 6 - 26:
बस्तिमेहनयोः शूलं मूत्रकृच्छ्रं शिरोरुजा । विनामो वंक्षणानाहः स्याल्लिङ्गं मूत्रनिग्रहे ॥६॥
स्वेदावगाहनाभ्यङ्गान् सर्पिषश्चावपीडकम् । मूत्रे प्रतिहते कुर्यात्त्रिविधं बस्तिकर्म च ॥७॥
" By suppression of (the urge for) urination, the symptoms caused are pain in the urinary bladder and passage, dysuria, headache, bending, stiffness in the groin. In case of obstructed urine, fomentation, tub - bath, massage, dropping of ghee should be prescribed and also the three types of basti (enema) and catheterisation. "
पक्वाशयशिरःशूलं वातवर्चोऽप्रवर्तनम् । पिण्डिकोद्वेष्टनाध्मानं पुरीषे स्याद्विधारिते ॥८॥
स्वेदाभ्यङ्गावगाहाश्च वर्तयो बस्तिकर्म च । हितं प्रतिहते वर्चस्यन्नपानं प्रमाथि च ॥९॥
" Suppression of (the urge of) defaecation causes colic pain, headache, retention of flatus and faeces, cramps in calf muscles and flatulence. In retention of faeces, fomentation, massage, tub - bath, suppositories, and enema are prescribed and also the food and drinks which are evacuative. "
मेढ्रे वृषणयोः शूलमङ्गमर्दो हृदि व्यथा । भवेत् प्रतिहते शुक्रे विबद्धं मुत्रमेव च ॥१०॥
तत्राभ्यङ्गोऽवगाहश्च मदिरा चरणायुधाः । शालिः पयो निरूहश्च शस्तं मैथुनमेव च ॥११॥
" In retention of semen, the symptoms caused are pain in the penis and scrotum, body - ache, pain in cardiac region and also obstruction in urine. In that case, massage, tub - bath, wines, charaNAyudhas, rice, milk, non - unctuous enema and sexual intercourse are prescribed. "
सङ्गो विण्मूत्रवातानामाध्मानं वेदना क्लमः । जठरे वातजाश्चान्यो रोगाः स्युर्वातनिग्रहात् ॥१२॥
स्नेहस्वेदविधिस्तत्र वर्तयो भोजनानि च । पानानि बस्तयश्चैव शस्तं वातानुलोमनम् ॥१३॥
" Suppression of flatus causes retention of faeces, urine and flatus, flatulence, pain, exhaustion and other disorders in the abdomen due to vAta. There, oleation, fomentation, suppositories, food and drinks and enema having carminative action are recommended. "
कुण्डूकोठारुचिव्यङ्गशोथपाण्ड्वामयज्वराः । कुष्ठहृल्लासवीसर्पाश्छर्दिनिग्रहजा गदाः ॥१४॥
भुक्त्वा प्रच्छर्दनं धूमो लङ्घनं रक्तमोक्षणम् । रूक्षान्नपानं व्यायामो विरेकश्चात्र शस्यते ॥१५॥
" By suppression of vomiting, the illnesses caused are itching, urticarial rashes, anorexia, blackish spots on face, swelling, anaemia, fever, skin diseases, nausea and erysipelas. In that case, induction of vomiting after feeding, smoking, fasting (or light diet), blood letting, rough diet, physical exercises and purgation prescribed. "
मन्यास्तम्भः शिरःशूलमर्दितार्धावभेदकौ । इन्द्रियाणां च दौर्बल्यं क्षवथोः स्याद्विधारणात् ॥१६॥
तत्रोर्ध्वजत्रुकेऽभ्यङ्गः स्वेदो धूमः सनावनः । हितं वातघ्नमाद्यं च घृतं चौत्तरभक्तिकम् ॥१९॥
" Suppression of sneezing give rise to stiffneck, headache, facial paralysis, migraine and weakness of the sense organs. There, massage in head - neck region, fomentation, smoking, nasal drops, vAta - pacifying diet and post - meal intake of ghee are prescribed. "
हिक्का श्वासोऽरुचिः कम्पो विबन्धो हृदयोरसोः । उद्गारनिग्रहात्तत्र हिक्कायास्तुल्यमौषधम् ॥१८॥
" By suppression of eructation, the symptoms cause are - hiccup, dyspnoea, anorexia, tremors, obstruction in cardiac region and chest which are prone to treatment similar to that for hiccup. "
विनामाक्षेपसंकोचाः सुप्तिः कम्पः प्रवेपनम् । जृम्भाया निग्रहात्तत्र सर्वं वातघ्नमौषधम् ॥१९॥
" Suppression of yawning causes bending, convulsion, contraction, numbness, tremors, shaking (of the body) for which the treatment for alleviating vAta is prescribed. "
कार्श्यदौर्बल्यवैवर्ण्यमङ्गमर्दोऽरुचिर्भ्रमः । क्षुद्वेगनिग्रहात्तत्र स्निग्धोष्णं लघु भजनम् ॥२०॥
" By suppression of the urge of hunger, emaciation, weakness, disorder of complexion, body - ache, anorexia and giddiness are caused for which fatty, warm and light diet should be prescribed. "
कण्ठास्यशोषो बाधिर्यं श्रमः सादो हृदि व्यथा । पिपासानिग्रहात्तत्र शीतं तर्पणमिष्यते ॥२१॥
" Suppression of thirst gives rise to dryness of throat and mouth, deafness, fatigue, depression, cardiac pain for which cold and saturating drinks are recommended. "
प्रतिश्यायोऽक्षिरोगश्च हृद्रोगश्चारुचिर्भ्रमः । बाष्पनिग्रहात्तत्र स्वप्नो मद्यं प्रियाः कथाः ॥२२॥
" The symptoms caused by suppression of tears are coryza, eye diseases, heart diseases, anorexia, giddiness for which sleep, wines and pleasing talks are prescribed. "
जृम्भाऽङ्गमर्दस्तन्द्रा च शिरोरोगोऽक्षिगौरवम् । निद्राविधारणात्तत्र स्वप्नः संवाहनानि च ॥२३॥
" By suppression of sleep, yawning, body - ache, drowsiness, head disorders and heaviness in eyes are caused for which sleep and gently pressing the body are recommended. "
गुल्महृद्रोगसंमोहाः श्रमनिःश्वासधारणात् । जायन्ते तत्र विश्रामो वातघ्न्यश्च क्रिया हिताः ॥२४॥
" Suppression of the breath due to exercising causes gaseous tumour, heart diseases and fainting. Rest and the measures for alleviating vAta are prescribed to overcome this condition. "
वेगनिग्रहजा रोगा य एते परिकीर्तिताः । इच्छंस्तेषामनुत्पत्तिं वेगानेतान्न धारयेत् ॥२५॥
" The disorders caused by suppression of urges are described here. Persons desiring their prevention should not hold up these urges. "
इमांस्तु धारयेद्वेगान् हितार्थी प्रेत्य चेह च । साहसानामशस्तानां मनोवाक्कायकर्मणाम् ॥२६॥
" One desirous of well - being here and hereafter should hold up the urges of evil ventures relating to thought, speech and action. " ...........................................................................
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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