Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Naadi josyam is false!

Courtesy : Sri.V.SRINIVASAN
Dear Fellow Brahmins:

I am a  believer in Hindu Astrology and  I had somewhat of a limited faith in  Naadhi Josyiam!  About two years ago,  when we were in  Sri Vaidheeswaran Temple  vicinity, being an enthusiast  in astrology, I was  amazed to see hundreds and hundreds of "self-styled"and "self-proclaimed" Naadhi Josiyers virtually occupying  the  main (Sannadi) street leading to Vaidheeswaran Koil Praakaram; they  were demanding very  high  fees ranging from  Rs. 3,000 to Rs.  5,000 to do a reading (that is of course the Volai conforming to you birth time and date became available with them).    Both for lack of time (they needed 2-3 hours to see if they can find you volai and another 2-3 hours of your time for them to provide the  readings) and the demands for a huge fees, we passed over this opportunity.

Recently, my wife and I watched the NIJAM episode on SunTV a few weeks ago and the seemingly  timid approach by the producer of Nijam  Episode, copying the 60 Minutes episode style on the U.S.  television, and we were appalled to see that so many of these "self-proclaimed" Naadi josiyers are false;  in tact the Volais that they  claim came  from  age-old  times, are being  mass made "commercially"  in a  village nearby  Vaideeswaran Koil. and are sold for a paltry sum to these self-proclaimed  Naadhi Josiyers who all claim they have the original Volais from the  times of Agasthiar! And seek a fabulous sum of money to do your reading!
The Episode Nijam  was an  eye opener for me and my wife.  I wonder if someone more  experienced in the area of Naadhi Josiyam can delve into this subject mater for us and for the better education of some innocent people like me --so we all  become well educated, and those of us going to Vaitheeswaran Koil to to a Prarthanai, do not squander our hard earned money with these  self styled Naadi Josiyers or "jokers and Conn artists"!
My comments:
yesterday at 2200 hrs in Sun News NIJAM the 3rd part was shown & it indicates how these astrologers fool us.

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

 Every moment, thank God

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your message. Of course we have missed the program. Could you please let me know which date the program was telecasted. we have searched in most of the website and not able to find. If you have URL to watch the same, please forward to my email id

    Thanks and Regards,
    Shankar. M
