Monday, March 22, 2010

gO BraahmaNa hitaayacha.....some thoughts

Hare shrinivasa,


As per  the direction of  Shri Acharya Madhwa towards "Hari smaraNe" let us have little inquisitive views on the following verse from Bheeshma stavaraaja( Mahabharata shanty parva; 47-95):


namO brahmaNyadEvaaya gObraahmaNa hitaaya cha |

jagaddhitaaya kRuShNaaya gOvindaaya namO namaH ||


(£ÀªÉÆà §æºÀätåzÉêÁAiÀÄ UÉÆèÁæºÀät »vÁAiÀÄ ZÀ |



In the above shlOka shri Krishna is being praised as " gObraahmaNa hitaaya" by shri bheeshmaru.


If we see just a word to word meaning, it tends to imply, "shri Krishna takescare only  gO( cow, hasu) and  brahmana" and not other  animals and huma beings.


However, if we see complete shloka, the very next adjective is "jagaddhitaaya". Means he has aim towards safeguarding the universe(world). Since he is "jagaddhitaaya" to achieve this he is "gO braahmaNa hitaaya".


Broadly there are two classification in the wealth 1) External wealth 2) Internal wealth.

These are required for the upliftment of  every individual in his walk of life and finally contributing the prosperity of a country.


We know that in olden days, cows are recognized as one of the major properties. Cows were representing national wealth, its "head-counts" are of significant importance in estimating particular region's wealth. They are used as yardstick to measure the wealth of a nation.


Dakshina gOgrahNa and uttara gOgrahaNa(capturing cow forcibly to enrich the kingdom/state) were famous happenings in the epic Mahabharata. This act was to incerease the wealth and thereby become stronger in the financial aspects. So cows are undoubtably represents External wealth of a country. Hence, shri Krishna, being sarvajna,  commits(there by indicate us) to save the external wealth which is important factor in achieving internal wealth i.e, jnaana.


Jnaana is an internal wealth which is being protected by Brahmanas(brahma jnaani, those who dedicate their life to secure the jnaana and distribute). Brahmana's topmost and priority work is to see that the jnaana should not get lost, not get tainted and  not become cheap. Hence, this is internal wealth, with proper usage of this, governs entire society to live in harmony. So Krishna's oath to secure brahmana is obvious.


If world to be saved, one must prosper, flourish in external wealth(gO) and internal wealth(jnaana,brahmana) which is then becomes an act of "jagaddhitaaya". Hence shri Krishna is the only "jagaddhitaaya".


We must understand his actions and pray for him to give us the strength to support gO rakshana and jnaana prasaara kaarya in our entire life-span.





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